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Manufacturer’s Rights
Standing up for manufacturer’s rights is a foundational effort of Next Gen PFMA. In January (2019), we were notified of illegal seizure of frozen raw pet milk by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH). The NJDOH incorrectly cited human food law (Title 24),...
The Relationship Between the Produce and the Real Pet Food Industries
Given Next Gen PFMA represents manufactures of real pet food, at first glance, it may seem illogical to talk about the produce industry; however, the produce industry is regulated by the same agency as the pet food industry: the FDA. Therefore, this should prove a...
Who Are Our Members?
Next Gen PFMA has the wonderful opportunity to represent a wide array of pet food manufacturers, as well as the distributors and retailers who support these manufacturers by carrying their products.Our manufacturers often use unique methods of marketing to the...
As an industry, can we “Just say no”?
As an industry playing nice doesn’t seem to be creating any advantage. Twenty raw food recalls occurred in 2018 – in only one case was illness associated with the product; the manufacturer in question was not using USDA sourced and passed meats. We could...