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How is the nonviolent resistance movement of Occupy Wall Street like the efforts of next generation pet food manufacturers association?
History is full of examples of violent interactions. War, violence, aggression – these are all synonymous for a situation that engenders winners and losers. There are some excellent examples of nonviolent struggles in history. These non-violent conflicts have...
Does joining next generation pet food manufacturers association highlight the bull’s-eye on the back of raw pet food manufacturers?
First, and most importantly, our member list is confidential and will remain that way until until all of the members feel the time is right to disclose the member list. In fact, recently, I was asked by a few fellow pet food manufacturers, as well as some regulatory...
Next Gen PFMA members pledge to work with consumers
Several consumers have approached the association wanting to know how to reconcile their veterinarians’ recommendations to feed low protein pet food to dogs and cats in kidney failure while the owners’ desire to feed more species appropriate diets. As leaders in the...