by Cathy Alinovi | Jan 28, 2019 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, FSMA, Labeling Updates, Latest News, Regulatory Updates
Most notable was the ongoing government shutdown meant no members of FDA were present – normally 20+ members of FDA attend AAFCO meetings. That brings our biggest disappointment as we were waiting for FDA feedback after our conversation in December. We had asked...
by Cathy Alinovi | Sep 20, 2018 | AAFCO, Latest News
As was recommended at the 2018 annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale, AAFCO has formed a new working group to discuss human grade pet food. “The Workgroup Mission shall be to utilize AAFCO’s current Terms, Definitions, and Guidance for Human Grade Pet Food claims and...
by Cathy Alinovi | May 2, 2018 | AAFCO, Latest News
Members who produce human grade pet food will receive an email from Next Gen PFMA, their representative in AAFCO, this week with details of a new proposal where USDA and FDA will work together to validate human grade pet food claims. Before now, manufacturers of foods...
by Cathy Alinovi | Jan 18, 2018 | AAFCO Meetings, Labeling Updates, Latest News
As I look forward to representing our members at another AAFCO meeting in just under a week, there’s something of HUGE importance on the agenda. You can check out the official agenda here. To be honest, at first glance, when I heard the proposed changes in the...
by Cathy Alinovi | Aug 19, 2017 | AAFCO Meetings, FSMA, Latest News
Day one, morning one of the 2017 AAFCO Annual meeting started with several presentations including one by a representative of the frozen fruit and vegetable processing industry. Are you aware that 73% of human food waste is directed to pet food? Are you also aware...