FDA Press Release: Outdated CPGs Withdrawn
The headline makes this FDA change look more dramatic than it is in actuality.In fact, the only change is that with FSMA (the Food Safety Modernization Act), pet food companies, ingredient suppliers, and many others are required to identify hazards as part of their...PCQI Training Opportunity
AFIA (American Feed Industry Association) is hosting a PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual) training course in Nashville, TN, the week prior to the AAFCO annual meeting in Louisville, KY. Each pet food manufacturer must have a PCQI trained individual on...
The Relationship Between the Produce and the Real Pet Food Industries
Given Next Gen PFMA represents manufactures of real pet food, at first glance, it may seem illogical to talk about the produce industry; however, the produce industry is regulated by the same agency as the pet food industry: the FDA. Therefore, this should prove a...
AAFCO Update January 2019
Most notable was the ongoing government shutdown meant no members of FDA were present – normally 20+ members of FDA attend AAFCO meetings. That brings our biggest disappointment as we were waiting for FDA feedback after our conversation in December. We had asked...