AAFCO Update January 2019
Most notable was the ongoing government shutdown meant no members of FDA were present – normally 20+ members of FDA attend AAFCO meetings. That brings our biggest disappointment as we were waiting for FDA feedback after our conversation in December. We had asked...
How Did It Go?
In the last post, I let you know that I was going to the FDA on behalf of raw pet food manufacturers to discuss how we (NGPFMA and the FDA) can work together. While we all hoped for the best, which would be complete change in the FDA’s policy, reality said that was a...12/18/18 – An Important Day for the Real Pet Food Industry
Next Gen PFMA, representing our members, will meet with the acting director of the Office of Surveillance and Compliance at the Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA) at their headquarters in Rockville Maryland on December 18, 2018. This is the first time a trade...
Human Grade Pet Foods – AAFCO Forms New Working Group
As was recommended at the 2018 annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale, AAFCO has formed a new working group to discuss human grade pet food. “The Workgroup Mission shall be to utilize AAFCO’s current Terms, Definitions, and Guidance for Human Grade Pet Food claims and...