by Cathy Alinovi | Nov 13, 2023 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, Labeling Updates, Latest News
**AAFCO Update** In August, we reported that AAFCO and the Pet Food Committee had agreed to commission a work group to address the copper issue in pet food. <<hyperlink to that blog post>> That is happening, and I’ll detail more of what’s going on within...
by Cathy Alinovi | Aug 19, 2023 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, Latest News
Attending both annual AAFCO meeting costs approximately $3500, including dues, travel and hotel stays. This is why so many small batch pet food manufacturers (like our esteemed NGPFMA members!) miss out. Well, they used to miss out. Now, through AFFORDABLE Next...
by Cathy Alinovi | Jun 20, 2022 | AAFCO, Latest News
Nothing! I’m neither trying to be inflammatory nor am I seeing anything any different than they say on their website at I need to explain how this works. I have assumed everybody gets it. But it’s really not straightforward. AAFCO is a national/international...
by ngp2021 | Aug 7, 2020 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, Latest News, Our Stories, Regulatory Updates
Whether or not you used the opportunity to tune in for free to the AAFCO meeting (August 5-7, 2020) to get a taste of how things run, here’s an overview of the salient discussions. (If you did tune in, please shoot me an email and let me know your impressions.) The...
by ngp2021 | Jan 28, 2020 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, FSMA, Labeling Updates, Latest News
Most years, the second day of the AAFCO meeting is the meat and potatoes for manufacturers of real pet food. This is the day that the Pet Food and Ingredient Definitions Committees meet. While the trade association participates in other committees, the decisions which...
by ngp2021 | Jan 21, 2020 | AAFCO, AAFCO Meetings, Latest News
Interesting mix of topics at day one of the midyear AAFCO meeting. To start the meeting off, we had a guest speaker whose moniker is “farm babe.“ While I disparage her nickname, because I think it belittles her personal image, she does have a great perspective in that...