On Thursday, August 22nd, I’m hosting a formal meeting for Next Gen members to discuss the proposed PURR Act along with changes in FDA procedures and —  if you are a small batch pet food manufacturer — you need to consider joining us.

While one component of the proposed — and likely to pass if not challenged — changes to pet food definitions and labeling may APPEAR to be in our favor, with just a bit more detail, it’s easy to see why this could be detrimental to smaller pet food manufacturers.

Most importantly, these changes have NOT passed through Congress and are ONLY (so far) proposed!  Action is both possible and mandatory to protect the future of nutritionally defensible pet food manufacturers.

So, if you are already a member, mark your calendar and join us for this incredibly important meeting (check your email for the invitation). If you are NOT yet or no longer a member, consider joining us.  We have begun to call our zoom room, “The Table” and you WANT — and deserve —  a seat at this table.  We must band together to protect the future of pet food manufacturing.

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