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Will you attend the AAFCO meeting in August 2017?
The August 2017 AAFCO annual meeting will be held in Bellevue (Seattle area) Washington. More than 60% of our members are from the West Coast – will you be there? Among topics to be discussed are updates to pet food labeling. Additionally, after the regular...
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Next Gen PFMA Turns One
Inaugural Presidents are marked by the first hundred days of their presidency. At Next Gen PFMA, we are proud to be marked by our first year in existence. Through a bittersweet chain of events, Executive Director Cathy Alinovi became available full-time to pursue her...
The five reasons to manufacture pet food
There are five reasons to manufacture pet food that are directly related to how people feed their pets. How each different pet food manufacturer handles these five reasons is what creates the diversity present within the marketplace. The five reasons pet owners feed...